Translation for "robertson era" to english
Robertson era
Translation examples
Daniel Robertson era la nostra piu' grande speranza per la creazione di una AI.
Well, Daniel Robertson was our best hope of achieving a workable Al.
Benji Robertson era un paziente del dottor Jacobsen.
Benji Robertson was Dr Jacobsen's patient.
Beh, Lloyd Robertson era un infermiere professionista.
Well, Lloyd Robertson was a nurse practitioner.
Quindi, sfortunatamente, Hayes Robertson era un brillante programmatore.
So, unfortunately, Hayes Robertson was a brilliant programmer.
Peggy Robertson era la segretaria di edizione per questo film e alla fine diventò l'assistente personale di Hitchcock. Vero, Herbie?
Peggy Robertson was the script supervisor on this picture and eventually became Hitch's personal assistant.
Il signor Robertson era... in piedi sul tavolo... ed è caduto... battendo la testa.
Mr. Robertson was standing on the table, and he fell off and hit his head.
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