Translation examples
Truffa, ricettazione, assegni a vuoto ...
Fraud, receiving stolen goods, bad checks...
Sei in arresto per ricettazione.
You're under arrest for trafficking in stolen property.
Condannato per ricettazione.
Convicted for receiving stolen goods.
Allora la arrestiamo per ricettazione
Then you're under arrest for receiving stolen property...
Ricettazione di merce rubata.
Furto aggravato e ricettazione.
Grand theft and receipt of stolen goods.
- A Wardingly per ricettazione.
Wardingly. Handling stolen goods.
- Estorsione, strozzinaggio, ricettazione.
Extortion, loan-sharking, fencing stolen property. Really?
Cinque accuse per ricettazione.
Five counts of receiving stolen goods.
Fu condannata per ricettazione.
She was sentenced for handling stolen goods.