Translation for "rhodesiani" to english
Translation examples
E ha una moglie, un figlio e un cane Rhodesian Ridgeback.
He has a wife and a child and a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Cos'e' successo coi Rhodesiani?
What happened with the Rhodesians?
L'azione contro i Rhodesiani era studiata.
The action against the Rhodesians was serious.
Quello che hai fatto contro i rhodesiani... Esplosivi Militari Non era niente male.
What you did against the Rhodesians, that was good.
Abbiamo liberato un prigioniero politico e attaccato la Missione Rhodesiana.
We liberated a political prisoner, we executed an action against the Rhodesian Mission.
Non me ne importa niente, ma e' un rhodesiano.
I wouldn't care but he's a Rhodesian.
Quindi hai attaccato i Rhodesiani?
So you attacked the Rhodesians?
Hai attaccato la Missione Rhodesiana.
You attacked the Rhodesian Mission.
Con i Rhodesiani, non siete stati prevedibili.
With the Rhodesians, you just weren't predictable.
Bel lavoro, con quei bastardi Rhodesiani.
You did a job on the Rhodesian bastards.
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