Translation for "rever" to english
Translation examples
Uno di Revere.
Somebody from revere. I don't...
Revere portò con sé suo nipote, nonché apprendista, Jonathan Revere.
Revere brought with him his nephew and apprentice, Jonathan Revere.
Tu conosci Johnny Revere?
You know Johnny revere?
Proprio come Paul Revere.
Like... Like Paul Revere.
Revere ha la soluzione!
Revere holds the key.
Tenente Paul Revere.
Lieutenant Paul Revere.
E' Paul Revere.
That's Paul Revere.
Va al Revere.
He goes to revere.
Come Paul Revere.
Like Paul Revere.
Grazie, signor Revere.
Thank you, Mr. Revere.
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