Translation for "raddoppiano" to english
Translation examples
Si raddoppiano i bisogni emotivi.
That's, like, double the emotional needs.
Mi raddoppiano le royalties.
They're going to double my royalties.
I nostri problemi raddoppiano.
Our problems have doubled!
Raddoppiano le guardie di notte.
They double the guards at night.
Cosi' si raddoppiano gli affitti.
That'll double rents.
Due eventi raddoppiano il profitto.
Two events, double the take.
Raddoppiano per la contea.
Double that in the county.
- Gli strumenti raddoppiano le voci.
- The instruments doubling the voices.
Perche' lo raddoppiano.
Because they're doubling him. No.
- le prestazioni raddoppiano ogni due anni.
- performance doubles every two years.
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