Translation for "quel cane era" to english
Quel cane era
Translation examples
Quel cane era qui un momento fa.
Here, that dog was here just now.
Quel cane era una vera aberrazione, papà.
That dog was a noisy little creep, Dad.
Oddio, quel cane era divertente.
- Yeah. That dog was fun.
Quel cane era parte del nucleo familiare!
That dog was family unit.
Quel cane era la mia migliore amica, e quando e' morta...
That dog was, like, my best friend. And when she died, it was one of...
Al, quel cane era morto stecchito mezz'ora fa, l'ho visto coi miei occhi.
Al, that dog was lying dead a half hour ago. I saw him.
E tutti dicevano che... quel cane era cattivo.
Yeah, everybody said that that dog was sour.
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