Translation for "prese in giro" to english
Translation examples
Poi il professore mi prese in giro davanti a tutti... e non so...
And then the Professor made fun of me in front of everybody... and I don't know.
Maometto ha un potere che lo protegge dalle prese in giro.
- Muhammad has a power that makes him impervious to being made fun of.
Tom lo prese in giro per questo... Cose normali da dodicenni.
Tom made fun of him for doing that... normal 12-year-old stuff.
Pensavo che mi avrebbe aiutato e invece mi prese in giro.
I thought he'd help, but he made fun of me.
E se vengono prese in giro, può trasformarsi in grave depressione e suicidio.
And if they're getting made fun of, it turns into severe depression and suicide.
E va bene, perche' ora hai imparato qualcosa, ma era una domanda stupida, dovevi aspettarti le prese in giro.
Which is fine, and you learned something. But it was kind of a stupid question, so you're gonna get made fun of a little bit.
Martin Gumbel, quel cretinetto che mi prese in giro in Germania.
That's what I said to that kid, Martin Gumbel, that little jackass who made fun of me in Germany.
Non ti preoccupare. Quando hai le zampe più corte di quelle di un bassotto, ...sei abituato alle prese in giro.
When you got shorter legs than a sheepdog you get used to being made fun of.
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