Translation for "post-impressionista" to english
Translation examples
Francois Troyet... proprietario della più vasta collezione privata di opere d'arte post-impressioniste.
All right, Francois Troyet, owner of the world's largest private collection of post-Impressionist art.
Ho un debole per i post impressionisti.
I have a weakness for the Post-impressionists.
C'era un trittico di dipinti post-impressionisti qui.
There was a trio of post-Impressionist artwork here.
Baptiste LeGrand era pretenzioso, anche per un pittore post-impressionista.
Baptiste LeGrand was pretentious, even for a post-Impressionist painter.
- Il principale post impressionista francese.
- Seminal French Post-Impressionist.
Jae imita lo stile dei post-impressionisti.
Jae's really influenced by the Post-Impressionists.
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