Translation for "pontefice" to english
Translation examples
Vuoi contrattare col pontefice?
Would you bargain with your pontiff?
Sarai un ottimo Pontefice.
You'll make a lovely pontiff.
- Sarà un ottimo Pontefice.
- He'll make a lovely pontiff.
Come l'ha presa il pontefice?
How is the Pontiff taking this?
Come sta il sommo pontefice?
How is the Supreme Pontiff?
Lui si' che era un pontefice.
Now, there was a pontiff.
Mettere in pericolo il pontefice?
Endanger the Pontiff?
Sommo Pontefice della Chiesa Universale,
Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church,
- Io sono il tuo pontefice.
- I am your pontiff, Buonarroti.
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