Translation for "pneumologia" to english
Translation examples
Pneumologia e' da quella parte.
Pulmonology was that way.
Patofisiologia polmonare Almeno sai cos'e' la pneumologia?
Do you even know what pulmonology is?
- Mi serve Pneumologia.
I need Pulmonary.
Dobbiamo portarti in pneumologia.
We've got to get you up to pulmonary.
La dottoressa Zander e' il primario di pneumologia.
Dr. Zander's head of Pulmonary.
Accompagneresti il dottor Cruz in pneumologia?
Will you escort Dr. Cruz up to pulmonary?
La prossima domanda e' per il dottor Raj Amarasekara, spero di pronunciarlo correttamente, della societa' di pneumologia d'America.
And our final question goes to Dr. Raj Amarasekara. I hope I'm pronouncing that right. Of the Pulmonary Associates of America.
Tara, puoi portare la sig.ra Gomez in pneumologia?
Tara, can you get Mrs. Gomez up to the pulmonary unit? Excuse me.
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