Translation for "peccaminosità" to english
Translation examples
Che avevate permesso... di essere sedotti e distolti dalla retta via dalla sua ammaliante peccaminosita'... - e dal suo malefico fascino!
I knew when I first set eyes on Claire Fraser that you had welcomed the Whore of Babylon into your midst... that you had allowed yourselves to be seduced from the path of righteousness by her beguiling sinfulness and wicked allurement.
Gli affari creano lavoro, e ridurrebbero la peccaminosita' che ozio e poverta' possono portare.
Business will create jobs, which will reduce the sinfulness that comes with poverty and idle hands.
Oltre allo shock, alla peccaminosita', all'atto proibito, vi era questo:
More than the shock, the sinfulness, the forbidden act, there was this.
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