Translation for "ordinato in" to english
Translation examples
La chiusura dello spazio aereo e' stata la piu' radicale mai ordinata in tempo di pace.
The airspace shut-down was one of the most sweeping ever ordered in peace time.
Sai, mi ha molto colpita che tu abbia ordinato in italiano.
You know, I was really impressed that you ordered in Italian. Grazie, signora.
Un'isola ordinata in un mondo caotico.
An island of order in a chaotic world.
che sono state per sbaglio ordinate in misure da bambine,
"which had been mistakenly ordered in children's sizes,
La questione piu' importante e', perche' cosi' tanti commutatori specialistici sono stati ordinati, in primis.
The question most 'important', because 'so' many specialized switches They were ordered in the first place.
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