Translation for "nominarlo" to english
Translation examples
- Don't say her name!
Oh, non nominarlo.
O name him not.
Non osare nominarlo.
Don't even say his name.
Non nominarlo neanche.
Don't even utter Placido's name.
Non nominarlo nemmeno.
Don't even mention his name.
- Non nominarla neanche.
Don't you say her name.
Non posso nominarli.
I can't name them.
Smettila di nominarlo.
Stop saying his name.
- Non devi nominarla!
- Don't even mention her name !
- Beh... deve ancora nominarla il sindaco, ma - chi si opporrebbe?
- Well... the mayor has to appoint her, but who's gonna say no to that?
Beh, non stiamo parlando di nominarla alla Corte Suprema.
Well, we're not talking about appointing her to the Supreme Court.
E possiamo nominarli tutti insieme?
And we can appoint them all at once?
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