Translation for "mettersi in contatto con te" to english
Mettersi in contatto con te
Translation examples
Beh, e se qualcuno vuole mettersi in contatto con te come i tuoi amici o...tuo fratello...
Well, what if someone wants to get in touch with you like, uh, your friends or... brother...
Sono passate 3 settimane da quando e' arrivato sulla Terra e tu hai ignorato ogni suo tentativo di mettersi in contatto con te.
It's been three weeks since he came to Earth and you've ignored every attempt he's made to get in touch with you.
Dirò al professor Jensen di mettersi in contatto con te.
I could ask Prof. Jensen to get in touch with you.
Ha cercato di mettersi in contatto con te, ma tu... eri irraggiungibile.
He tried to get in touch with you, but you, uh... you were really hard to get ahold of.
Khaled ha mai provato a mettersi in contatto con te?
Has Khaled tried to get in touch with you at all?
- Sì. - Sta provando a mettersi in contatto con te. - Lo so.
He's been trying to get in touch with you.
No, tu non mi conosci, ma mio padre, Russell Thorpe, aveva programmato di mettersi in contatto con te.
No, you don't know me, but my father, Russell Thorpe, had planned on getting in touch with you.
Perche' avrebbe rischiato tutto per mettersi in contatto con te?
Why would she risk it all by getting in touch with you?
Ma so che ha passato ogni giorno delle ultime 3 settimane cercando di mettersi in contatto con te.
But I do know that he... spent every day of the last three weeks, trying to get in touch with you.
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