Translation for "lui sorrise" to english
Lui sorrise
Translation examples
Lui sorrise e scosto' un po' la giacca, mostrando una pistola alla cintura.
He smiled, pulled back his jacket, and showed a gun on his waistband.
E quando lui sorrise, io gli tirai della sabbia negli occhi.
And when he smiled, I threw a fistful of sand in his eyes.
Quando dissero a Jaime che non poteva essere presente al parto, lui sorrise, e poi volle sapere chi di loro avrebbe tentato di tenerlo fuori.
When they told Jaime he wasn't allowed in the birthing room, he smiled and asked which one of them proposed to keep him out.
E lui sorrise e disse: "Obbligami." E ora tocca a...
And he smiles and says, "Make me." And next we have--
"E anche mentre lo infilzavo con la mia spada, lui sorrise... come se la morte non significasse nulla per lui".
"And even as I plunged my sword into him, he smiled as if death meant nothing to him."
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