Translation for "liner" to english
Translation examples
E a una bambina di sette anni non serve farsi tatuare l'eye-liner.
No seven-year-old needs To have permanent eye-liner tattooed on, either.
Dunque, mi aspetto un'esplosione di interventi comici one-liner.
And now I'd like you to think up fitting gags and one-liners.
666. Da quanto hai questo lip liner?
How long have you had this lip-liner?
Geminon Liner 1 701, questa e' la Colonial Heavy 798.
Geminon Liner 1701, this is Colonial Heavy 798.
E' stato alla festa di compleanno di Chris Liner.
Uh... it was at Chris Liner's birthday party.
Per una serve cervello, per l'altra eye-liner nero.
One takes brains, the other takes dark eye liner.
Forse un po' di eye-liner.
Perhaps some eye-liner.
- Bin Liner, lei Mel, io Bin Liner.
Bin Liner. Mel. Bin Liner.
Ma il futuro e' lontano, e a me servono i soldi ora per comprare cose vere, come gli orsetti gommosi e l'eye liner.
But the future is so far in the future, and I need this money now for real stuff, like gummi bears and eye liner.
Ha detto di voler illuminare la serata col suo eye-liner.
She said something about lighting up the night with her liner.
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