Translation for "lasciato aperto" to english
Lasciato aperto
Translation examples
Facile passare dalla finestra lasciata aperta dalla cameriera.
It's easy enough to climb through the window - left open by housekeeping.
La porta era stata lasciata aperta.
Door was left open.
La paratoia era stata lasciata aperta.
The gate was left open.
Niente cassetti a soqquadro, o... ante lasciate aperte.
No drawers ransacked or cabinets left open.
Non l'ho vista, l'avranno lasciata aperta.
Well, I didn't see that, so it must have been left open.
Pensa a tutti i tettucci apribili lasciati aperti.
Think of all the sun roofs left open.
La porta e' stata lasciata aperta, Katie.
- The door was left open, Katie.
La porta e' stata lasciata aperta.
The door's been left open.
La sacca e' stata sicuramente lasciata aperta.
The bag had definitely been left open.
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