Translation examples
"Siamo qui, perche' in questo mondo doppiezza e ladrocinio
"We're here today because we find ourselves in a world where duplicity and theft
Non è tanto un ladrocinio quanto un mash-up.
It's not really so much an outright theft as a mash-up.
E ci resta a furia di bestemmie, ladrocini e disperazioni.
We put up a force of profanity, theft and despair of God.
Non solo ha cospirato col ribelle sassone colpevole di ladrocinio, assassinio, rapimento e alto tradimento ma ha tradito la sua gente normanna.
Not only has she consorted with this Saxon rebel found guilty of outlawry, theft, murder, abduction and high treason but she has betrayed her own Norman people.
- Devi essere portato dal Preside. Sei accusato dei crimini di furto e ladrocinio contro la Tower Prep e i tuoi compagni.
You're being brought before the Headmaster to be charged with the crimes of theft and larceny against Tower Prep and your fellow students.
Un ladrocinio legalizzato senza alcuna base costituzionale.
Sanctioned robbery with no constitutional basis.
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