Translation for "investigativo" to english
Translation examples
Analista investigativa freelance.
Freelance investigative analyst.
Per cronache investigative.
For investigative reporting.
Nucleo operativo investigativo.
"Special Forces and Investigations."
Specialisti informatici investigativi.
Investigative computer specialists.
Unità investigativa speciale.
Special Investigations Unit.
Dipartimento Investigativo Criminale.
Criminal Investigation Department.
- Un giornalista investigativo.
- An investigative reporter.
Giornalista investigativo, ricordi?
Investigative journalist, remember?
Berg, ufficio investigativo.
Berg, investigation office.
Agente investigativo Morse.
Detective Constable Morse.
Agenzia Investigativa Kazama
Kazama Detective Agency
Agente investigativo Scott.
Detective Constable Scott.
Agente Investigativo Bailey.
Detective Constable Bailey.
Arakawa Detective Agency
Chiede un supporto investigativo o l'accesso agli archivi?
Are you asking for investigatory support or access to our records?
Credevo avrei risolto io i nostri "scogli investigativi".
I thought I was the answer to our "investigatory hurdles."
Si ricorda alcuni indizi... e delle piste investigative che verranno scoperte solo tra sei mesi.
He remembers leads and investigatory paths that we won't have for another six months.
Solo per motivi investigativi.
- For investigatory purposes only.
"Manuale ufficiale delle pratiche investigative"
The Official Manual of Investigatory Practice.
Intuizione acquisita da anni di esperienza investigativa.
Intuition honed by years of investigatory expertise.
Sei anni fa, la polizia aveva appena iniziato a usare i social media come strumenti investigativi.
Six years ago, NYPD was just starting to use social media as an investigatory tool.
L'agente Sullivan dice che questi dovrebbero aiutarci coi nostri "scogli investigativi".
Agent Sullivan said this is gonna help us with our "investigatory hurdles."
- Uso di metodi investigativi sconosciuti.
- "U" is... - Unknown investigatory techniques.
In modo investigativo o in modo criminale?
Like, investigatory or criminally?
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