Translation for "inchiodarlo" to english
Translation examples
Non siamo riusciti a inchiodarlo.
We couldn't nail him.
Fareste meglio ad inchiodarlo.
You better nail him.
Rintracciarlo e inchiodarlo!
Trail him down, nail him down!
Posso inchiodarlo da sola.
I can nail him myself.
Questo potrebbe inchiodarlo.
I mean, this could nail him.
Ma non posso inchiodarlo.
But I can't nail him down.
Signora, potrei inchiodarla.
Lady, I can nail you with this.
Un'altra e' inchiodarlo.
It's another one to nail him for it.
Possiamo ancora inchiodarlo.
We can still nail this guy.
Non possiamo buttarle giu' la porta e inchiodarla a terra, capisci?
We can't go knock down her door and pin her to the ground, you know what I mean?
Ed esattamente come facevo a inchiodarla contro il muro?
So how exactly was I pinning her up against the wall?
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