Translation for "imbrigliarla" to english
Translation examples
Imbrigliarla nello sforzo della squadra verso la perfezione.
Harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!
Beh... non appena ho visto tutte quelle grezze emozioni adolescenziali ho capito di doverle usare, imbrigliarle,
well,as soon as I saw all that raw, adolescent emotion, I-i-i knew I had to use it, harness it, spin it into gold.
Pensiamo che i russi dedussero che la barra fosse di combustibile nucleare e cercarono di imbrigliarla a Chernobyl.
We believe the Russians deduced that the rod was a fissionable fuel assembly, believed they had it mastered, and tried to harness it at Chernobyl.
- Non puoi imbrigliarlo.
- You can't harness him.
Se riusciremo a catturarla, questa entita', se riusciremo a sfruttare il potere di Neumann, ad imbrigliarlo, potremmo venire in possesso dell'arma piu' potente dell'intero pianeta!
If we were able to capture this, the-this entity, if we were able to tap into Neumann's power, harness it, we'd have the most powerful weapon on the planet!
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