Translation for "gocciolava" to english
Translation examples
Sangue... gocciolava sulla paglia.
Blood... dripped off the hay.
Il sangue gocciolava dalle lame.
Blood dripping from their blades.
Gocciolava l'acqua nei miei occhi.
It was dripping water on my eyes.
- È sangue, gocciolava giù per le scale.
- It's blood, dripping down the stairs.
Sudavo tantissimo, gocciolavo sulla macchina da scrivere.
I would perspire so heavily, drip into the electric typewriter.
Il rubinetto gocciolava di continuo.
The tap in there never stopped dripping. Ah.
C'era questo... Tubo che gocciolava.
There was this... dripping pipe.
Il mio uccello gocciolava come un rubinetto rotto.
My dick was dripping like a busted pipe.
Ti prego, dimmi che gocciolava sangue.
Please tell me it was dripping with blood.
La ruota del mulino di mio padre scrosciava con suono allegro, la neve gocciolava dal tetto e i passeri cinguettanti ci si tuffavano dentro.
The wheel of my father's mill was once more turning and whirring merrily. The melting snow trickled steadily from the roof, and sparrows chirped and hopped about.
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