Translation for "flensburgo" to english
Translation examples
A Flensburg ce n'erano il doppio.
Flensburg. There was twice as many.
Si tenne qui, all'Accademia Navale di Murwik a Flensburg nel nord della Germania, una parte del paese ancora in mano ai nazisti.
It was held here at the MurwiK Naval Academy at Flensburg in North Germany - a part of the country still in Nazi hands.
Prossima consegna, Flensburg, meno 1 2.4 secondi.
Next drop, Flensburg, minus 12.4 seconds.
Dieci secondi a fifa Flensburg.
Ten seconds to figgy Flensburg.
ALBERT SPEER Arrestato a Flensburg nel 1945.
Albert Speer was arrested in Flensburg in 1945.
Dieci secondi a Flensburg.
Ten seconds to Flensburg.
Ora era impiegato come bracciante in una fattoria a Gottrupel vicino Flensburg e rispondeva al nome di Franz Lang.
Now he was employed as a farm labourer At Gottrupel near Flensburg, answering to the name of Franz Lang.
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