Translation for "film erano" to english
Translation examples
I loro film erano solo passabili.
Their movies were just okay.
"Ombre rosse" John Ford, 1939 Gli eroi, per quello che vedevo, erano bianchi. E assolutamente non a causa dei film, ma a causa della terra dove vivevo, di cui i film erano un semplice riflesso.
Heroes, as far as I could see, where white, and not merely because of the movies, but because of the land in which I lived, of which movies were simply a reflection.
Quei film erano terribili.
Those movies were terrible.
i film erano tutto.
You know,when I was a kid, movies were everything,more than entertainment.
Le mie parti in questi film erano sempre raffinate amabili e delicate.
My roles in these films were urbane... sophisticated... suave.
I film erano rapidi, divertenti, apparentemente casuali ma allo stesso tempo molto complessi nella loro costruzione.
The films were fast, funny, seemingly casual yet ever more complex in construction.
Quando ha lavorato a questo film, c'erano regole per la troupe su come gestire potenziali suicidi? Si'.
When you worked on this film, were there rules for the crew as to how to handle potential jumpers?
Quei film erano brutti.
Yes, those films were bad.
Entrambi i film erano dipinti a mano fotogramma per fotogramma.
Both films were originally hand-painted frame by frame.
Diventando un regista i cui film erano conosciuti e criticamente acclamati... Aveva guadagnato uno straordinario grado d'indipendenza creativa.
As a director whose films were popular and critically acclaimed he had won an astonishing degree of creative independence.
I film erano in bianco e nero, forse non sapete quanto fosse colorata la II Guerra Mondiale.
All the films were black and white back then, so you may not have realized how colorful World War II actually was.
Mobili, giocattoli, architettura, esposizioni, fotografia, e film, erano tutti collegati nel pazzo, bizzarro mondo dello Studio Eames.
Furniture, toys, architecture, exhibitions, photography, and film were all connected in the wild, whimsical world of the Eames Office.
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