Translation for "era al" to english
Translation examples
Era al cabaré.
He was at the cabaret.
Era al pontile.
She was at the dock.
Era al bancomat.
He was at the ATM.
Era al funerale.
He was at the funeral.
Era al parco.
She was at the park.
Era al cinema.
He was at the movies.
Era al porto.
He was at the marina.
Era al negozio.
He was at the store.
Era al lavoro.
He was at work.
Perche' la persona con cui parlare era Al.
Cause the person to talk to was Al.
E l'attore che lo interpretava... era Al Pacino.
And the actor who portrayed him was Al Pacino.
Sì, il nome dell'impiegato alla reception era Al Yasin.
Yeah, the front desk employee's name was Al Yasin.
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