Translation for "due ex" to english
Due ex
Translation examples
two ex
Il dottor stonehill ha due ex mogli.
Dr Stonehill has two ex-wives.
Hai detto che erano due ex-poliziotti?
You said they were two ex-cops?
Tranne per le mie due ex mogli.
Except for my two ex-wives.
Ha due ex newyorkesi.
She has two exes from New York.
- Due ex mogli.
- Two ex-wives.
Sa, fidanzati ambigui, due ex-mariti.
You know, shady boyfriends, two ex-husbands.
Perche' avrebbe dovuto invitare due ex-mariti?
Why would she invite two ex-husbands?
Guardaci... due ex nemici che brindano alla fine del mondo.
Look at us... two former enemies drinking at the end of the world.
Tipo i due ex-agenti che lavoravano per l'FDLE?
Like the two former agents who used to work for the FDLE?
Due ex membri della Lega degli Assassini... Contro un velocista.
Two former members of the League of Assassins versus a speedster.
Io e due ex membri della tua squadra SEAL.
Myself and two former members of your SEAL team.
Ha identificato due ex agenti DGSE che ha visto insieme al fratello.
She just I.D.'d two former DGSE agents who met with her brother.
Poco dopo, i due ex nemici si sono incontrati.
A little later the two former enemies met.
Era una discussione privata... - tra due ex-coinquilini.
That was a private dispute between two former roommates.
Mandare due ex agenti dell'FBI sotto copertura alla CIA, e'... e'...
Sending in two former FBI agents undercover in the CIA, that's uh... that's...
Due ex agenti del CTU sono stati colpiti.
Two former CTU agents were hit.
Due ex dipendenti, il dottor Atwell e Ivy Franklin, entrambi uccisi.
Two former employees. Dr Atwell and Ivy Franklin, both killed.
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