Translation for "dote" to english
Translation examples
Molto bella la dote.
Very nice dowry
- Che cos'è la dote?
- What's a dowry?
I coperti... l'argenteria... la mia dote... la mia dote.
The table settings... the silver plate... my dowry... my dowry.
Qui c'è la dote.
Here's her dowry.
Senza discutere della dote?
Without deciding dowry?
E' la dote.
It's the dowry.
- La dote, la ceremonia...
- Dowry, wedding ceremony...
Dov'e' la dote?
Where's the dowry?
Ecco la sua dote.
There's your dowry!
È una dote.
It's a gift.
E' la mia dote.
It's my gift.
Oh, questo e' la mia dote.
- Oh, and that's my gift.
E' una dote.
Well, that's a gift.
- Che dote verbale hai!
Damage! Whatever would I do without your verbal gifts?
ho una dote naturale...
I'm very naturally gifted... - Mm-hmm.
Ho una dote dentro.
That's where my gifts are.
E' quella la tua dote, vero?
That's your gift, right?
Quella era la sua dote principale.
That was her special gift.
Non la sposerei, nemmeno se portasse come dote tutti i doni che aveva Adamo prima del peccato originale.
I would not marry her, though she were endowed with all that Adam had left him before he transgressed.
Daniel, e lo sai, la dote della facolta' non si finanzia da sola.
Daniel, and, you know, faculty endowments don't fund themselves.
- Che dote hai tu? - Mi dispiace.
What kind of sense are you endowed with?
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