Translation for "di lightman" to english
Di lightman
  • of lightman
Translation examples
of lightman
Sai, la notizia dell'errore di Lightman si e' gia' sparsa e una volta che si andra' in tribunale, questa societa' sara' finita.
Well, you know, news of Lightman's mistake is already out there, and once this lawsuit is filed, this company is finished.
Era la paziente di uno dei professori di Lightman, quando frequentava l'universita'.
She was a patient of one of Lightman's professors when he was in grad school.
Indovina qual e' la prima riga del libro di Lightman.
Guess what the first line of Lightman's book is.
Uno dei film preferiti di Lightman.
One of Lightman's favorite moves.
L'ho visto guardare il video di quella donna, Louise Mason e Loker mi ha detto che era una paziente del professore di Lightman.
I saw him watching the film of that woman, Louise Mason... and Loker told me how she was a patient of Lightman's professor.
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