Translation for "del rhode" to english
Del rhode
  • of rhode
Translation examples
of rhode
- Delle dimensioni del Rhode Island.
- The size of Rhode Island.
Sarai nominato come prossimo senatore del Rhode Island.
You are to be appointed the next u.S. Senator From the state of rhode island.
Insegno oceanografia all'università del Rhode Island.
No. I teach oceanography at the University of Rhode Island.
Voi sapevate che l'Alaska puo' contenere lo stato del Rhode Island 424 volte?
Did you guys know that the state of Rhode Island can fit into Alaska 424 times?
Nel frattempo, l'uragano Zoe e' infine arrivato sulle coste del Rhode Island.
Meanwhile, Hurricane Zoe has finally made landfall on the coast of Rhode Island.
Jacob Louis Shaw, 32 anni, single, deputato al primo mandato dal grande stato del Rhode Island!
Jacob Louis Shaw, 32, single, first-term congressman from the great state of Rhode Island.
Secondo lo stato del Rhode Island, si'.
That's the way the state of Rhode Island would put it.
Del grande stato del Rhode Island?
I'm an aide to congressman Shaw. The great state of Rhode Island?
Le persone convenute alla Corte Suprema del Rhode Island si avvicinino.
Hear ye, hear ye. All persons having business before the Supreme Court holding in province within and for the State of Rhode Island may now draw near.
- Ehm... ehm... i biglietti per, ehm... per l'apertura del parco acquatico piu' grande del Rhode Island!
Uh, uh... tickets for the, um, the grand opening of the biggest water park in all of Rhode Island.
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