Translation for "cutaneo" to english
Translation examples
la zona muco-cutanea.
Mucous-cutaneous zone.
A dicembre gli è stato diagnosticato il linfoma cutaneo a cellule t.
He was diagnosed with cutaneous t-cell lymphoma last December.
Sembra non avere... pori cutanei eccrini.
Seems to lack the normal cutaneous eccrine pores. Hand me that.
Leismaniosi cutanea diffusa.
Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Queste lesioni cutanee sono bruciature da elettrocuzione.
These cutaneous lesions... electrical burns.
Membrana cutanea vischiosa.
Viscous cutaneous membrane.
Si chiama porfiria non-acuta o porfiria cutanea.
It's called non-acute porphyria, or cutaneous porphyria.
E' la stessa procedura usata per le stomie terminali cutanee?
That's the same procedure, resulting in a cutaneous end-stoma?
Linfoma Cutaneo a cellule B.
Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoma.
Avremmo visto altri sintomi gengivali o cutanei.
We'd see either GI or cutaneous symptoms.
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