Translation for "curabili" to english
Translation examples
E' curabile, con il Suo aiuto Mi dispiace
It's curable with his help.
Due malattie curabili.
Those things are curable.
Cosa perfettamente curabile, tra l'altro.
That's totally curable, by the way.
Non preoccupatevi, e' curabile. Stara' bene.
Don't worry, it's curable, she'll be fine.
In effetti e' curabile.
It's actually curable.
Vorrei che fosse curabile.
I wish it were curable.
L'AIDS ora e' fondamentalmente curabile.
HIV is basically curable now.
Curabile, piu' o meno.
Colon. Curable-ish.
La cataratta è curabile.
The cataract is curable.
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