Translation for "contrae" to english
Translation examples
Ok, fra tre, due uno... e contrai, contrai, spingi, spingi, spingi!
- OK. - In three, two, one, and contract, contract, push, push, push!
Man mano che l'area si contrae.
As the domain contracts.
Il cuore si contrae bene.
Heart's contracting nicely.
Il cuore non si contrae bene.
Her heart's not contracting well.
Contrae i muscoli.
Uh, contracts muscles.
Se lei contrae la malattia...
If you do contract the disease...
Il suo cuore si contrae appena.
Her heart's barely contracting.
Quando egli si contrae, io mi espando.
When he contracts, I expand.
E in tre, due uno, contrai, contrai, contrai, spingi, spingi, spingi, tienilo, tienilo, tienilo.
And in three, two, one, contract, contract, contract, push, push, push, push, hold it, hold it, hold it.
- Te lo dico io, si contrae.
I'm telling you, it contracts.
Non si contrae il virus dell'immunodeficienza da una scimmia!
You don't acquire an immune deficiency virus from a monkey.
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