Translation examples
e conobbe mio padre, Cheng Shuyao.
And got to know my father Cheng Shuyao
Fu a quei tempi che conobbi Dicko nello squadrone.
That's when I first met Dicko, in the squadron, you know.
Conobbi anche i colleghi di mio padre.
I got to know my father's fine colleagues.
Nemmeno io conobbi mio padre.
I didn't know my father either.
Sai, Craig, quando ti conobbi, pensai:
It'd speed things up. You know, Craig, when I first met you, I thought,
Quando conobbi Glen, lui era uno scout di Camden.
I know him. When I knew Glen, he was a Camden scout.
Ne conobbi entrambi i lati.
I got to know both sides.
Io lo conobbi Orazio." Sapete?
I knew him, Horatio." You know?
Non conobbi mai mia madre.
I never got to know my mother.
Lei lo sapeva quando la conobbe?
Did you know that when you first met her?
Mi piacque immediatamente, appena la conobbi.
I liked Daryl immediately on meeting her.
Lo conobbi solo dopo le nozze.
I did not meet him until they were married.
Un giorno la conobbi.
And we meet.
Alla fine, conobbi John McAfee.
[Allison] I ended up meeting John McAfee.
Per prima cosa, conobbi Bill Clinton.
One, I got to meet Bill Clinton.
Dove Io conobbe?
Where did you first meet him?
Comunque, conobbi una bella ragazza, Lydia.
Anyway, I end up meeting this great gal, Lydia.
Quando conobbe Robert Durst per la prima volta?
When did you first meet Robert Durst?
Warrick dove conobbe questa donna?
Where did Warrick meet this woman?
Conobbe Susan Berman all'Universita' di Los Angeles?
Did you meet Susan Berman at UCLA?
Una volta conobbi un ragazzo Che pensava di sentire la sorella morta Attraverso i denti di un vecchio pettine.
I once knew a boy who thought he could hear his dead sister through the teeth of an old comb.
Mio fratello lo capi' un anno fa, quando conobbe il capitano Laurnce.
My brother recognized that a year ago when he met Captain Laurence.
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