Translation examples
- Questo complica cose?
- This complicates things ?
La faccenda si complica.
That complicates things.
- Complica la situazione.
It complicates the situation.
- Ciò complica le cose.
- It complicates things.
Complica le cose.
You complicate matters.
- Che cosa lo complica?
- It's complicated.
Si complica tutto.
It gets complicated.
Charlot complica le cose.
Carlito complicates things
E' stato complice di un crimine e sconterà la sua pena.
He was involved in a crime and he will do his time.
Complice il ricatto. - Ricatto?
Between you and me, there was blackmail involved.
Gli agenti stanno parlando con possibili complici.
Field agents are talking to farmers who might be involved.
Era un complice di Cox?
Was he involved with Cox?
Le hai chiesto se c'è qualche possibile complice?
Did you ask if anybody else might be involved?
In ogni caso, deve aver avuto dei complici.
Either way, someone else had to be involved. MAGGIE:
Metti via la pistola! Non voglio essere complice.
I don't want to be involved in this.
Mio figlio non ê complice di nessun truffatore nero.
My son has no involvements with any black frauds.
Ogni volta che ti metti in mezzo complichi la situazione.
! Every time that you get involved, it just makes matters worse.
E poi la cosa si complica.
And then the plot thickens.
Quindi il coagulo non si forma, ma la trama si complica.
So the clot doesn't thicken,but the plot does.
- Il mistero si complica.
Oh, the plot thickens. Oh, yeah.
La trama si complica.
The plot thickens.
Dottore, vedo che la storia si complica.
- Straight, Sir. I see the plot thickens.
Beh, questo complica le cose.
Well, that does thicken the roux.
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