Translation for "coerente" to english
Translation examples
- Ma e' coerente.
But she's consistent.
Io sono coerente.
I am consistent.
E' coerente, cazzo.
It's fucking consistent.
Comunque, sei coerente.
However, you're consistent.
- Almeno sono coerenti.
- At least they're consistent.
Quest'uomo e' coerente.
The man's consistent.
- Che sono coerente?
- I'm consistent?
- Sono coerente, o frate.
- l'm consistent.
Ma e' sorprendentemente coerente.
But she's surprisingly coherent.
Non era coerente.
He wasn't coherent.
Bob era coerente.
Bob was coherent.
Almeno sei un uomo coerente.
But at least you're coherent.
E io non ero coerente?
Was I not being coherent?
Due vite coerenti.
Two coherent lives.
Era qualcosa di coerente.
That was something coherent.
- Dov'e' finita la conversazione coerente?
Whatever happened to coherent conversation?
Eravate a malapena coerente.
You were barely coherent.
Non era del tutto coerente.
She wasn't entirely coherent.
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