Translation for "clorpromazina" to english
Translation examples
Mi hanno riempito di clorpromazina. Accidenti!
They've done filled me full of chlorpromazine!
E' morto per una reazione allergica alla clorpromazina.
He died of an allergic reaction to chlorpromazine.
Saranno gli effetti della clorpromazina?
Maybe that chlorpromazine stuff is making her sick?
Poiché il farmaco ha reso Lacey psicotica, le fu diagnosticato un disturbo schizoaffettivo traumatogeno, frase che, grazie al cielo, non sentivo da 20 anni... e fu curata con potenti dosi di clorpromazina, altro autentico reperto d'archeologia psicoterapica,
Because the drug caused Lacey to present as psychotic, she was diagnosed with Traumatogenic schizo-affective disorder.. A phrase I mercifully haven't heard spoken in 20 years.. And treated with heavy doses of Chlorpromazine, another genuine relic of Psychotherapeutic antiquity, which rendered her nearly comatose.
L'esame tossicologico ha rilevato tracce di clorpromazina nel corpo.
The tox report did show traces of chlorpromazine in her system. A tranquilizer.
Come l'aloperidolo o la cara vecchia clorpromazina.
Like haloperidol or good-old chlorpromazine.
Che cazzo e' la clorpromazina?
What the fuck is chlorpromazine?
E fare qualche miglioramento, come aggiungere la clorpromazina.
And made a few improvements, like adding chlorpromazine. That's how you found us.
Aveva della clorpromazina nell'organismo?
Did she have chlorpromazine in her system?
Hai preso del clorpromazine?
Have you had chlorpromazine ?
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