Translation for "cloramine" to english
Translation examples
Quando la cloramina arriva agli occhi ed al naso... brucia.
When chloramine gas touches the water In your eyes and nose, it burns.
Voglio dire, gli antidolorifici e l'alcool sono nel quadro tossicologico, quelli riesci a vederli, ma la cloramina e' praticamente impercettibile.
I mean, the painkillers and the booze are in the tox screen, You can see that, but chloramine gas Is basically undetectable.
Beh, c'era sicuramente qualcosa che mi metteva in difficolta' e Aiden ha detto qualcosa riguarda alla cloramina.
Well, there was definitely something distressing about it to me, And Aiden, he said something about chloramine. Wow.
- Ok, quindi cos'e' la cloramina?
Ok, so what is chloramine?
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