Translation for "casuario" to english
Translation examples
Gallo cedrone, gipeto, casuario...
Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary...
La mamma e io ce la cavammo, ma il varano fuggì e fu schiacciato da un casuario spaventato.
Mother and I were both healthy... but the poor lizard escaped... and was trampled by a frightened cassowary.
Il racconto di Tulse Luper che preferisce è II casuario.
And her favourite Tulse Luper story is The Cassowary.
Cicogna, airone, rondine, rondone, pinguino, casuario...
She had taught Russian to Germans and, before the VUE, would not have claimed knowledge of ornithology. Stork, heron, swallow, swift, penguin, cassowary...
L'aereo esplose sulla pista d'atterraggio, un casuario emerse dai relitti ed entrò nella sala VIP dell'aeroporto.
When the plane exploded on the airstrip, a cassowary stepped from the wreckage and checked into the VIP lounge.
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