Translation for "camminavo" to english
Translation examples
Darren camminava male.
Darren walked badly.
Camminavo sul filo.
Walk the tightrope.
Danny camminava spedito
Danny was walking fast.
Camminava e parlava.
Walking and talking...
Ecco come camminava.
That's how she walked.
Tiny Tim camminava.
Tiny Tim could walk.
Ancora non camminava.
He still wasn't walking.
Camminava per i corridoi, ululando alle ombre e ai fantasmi!
I couldn't risk him seeing how angry I was! Pacing the halls, howling at shadows and furniture and ghosts!
Camminava... - avanti e indietro davanti al letto.
She'd pace back and forth in front of the bed.
Camminava su e giù.
He was pacing around.
Era incazzato. Parlavadasolo e camminava avanti e indietro.
Talking to himself, pacing and cursing.
# Lui camminava al mio fianco. #
He marched by my side With the same pace and stride
Camminava su e giu', ha quasi gettato una sedia dalla finestra.
He was pacing around. He almost put a chair through a window.
Si'. L'ho trovato in salotto, camminava su e giu'.
I found him in his living room, pacing.
Stava disteso a letto, mentre io camminavo avanti e indietro per la stanza.
He used to lie in bed And I'd pace back and forth around the room.
Di notte lo sentivo che camminava qui sotto.
I could hear him at night, pacing down here.
La gente mi prendeva in giro per questo, ma... io camminavo a testa bassa e mi concentravo sul mio lavoro.
People, you know, made fun of me for it, but I just kept my head down and stayed focused on my work.
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