Translation for "bucarest" to english
  • bucharest
  • bucharest bucuresti building
  • bucharest bucuresti
Translation examples
Budapest, Bucarest, Dubrovnik...
Budapest, Bucharest, Dubrovnik...
Portami a Bucarest.
Take me to Bucharest.
Benvenuto a Bucarest, Charlie.
Welcome to Bucharest, Charlie.
Alla Piccola Bucarest.
At the Little Bucharest.
- Abita a Bucarest?
- You live in Bucharest.
qui non siamo a Bucarest.
this isn't Bucharest.
Nessuna notizia da Bucarest?
Any word from Bucharest?
Signor Gorea da Bucarest.
Mr. Gorea from Bucharest.
Sulla strada per Bucarest.
On the way to Bucharest.
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