Translation for "benedisse" to english
Translation examples
Benedisse quest'anello, che mi rese immune ai vostri poteri.
She blessed this ring, which gave me immunity from your powers.
E gesù li prese tra le braccia pose le mani su di loro e li benedisse.
And Jesus took them up in his arms and put his hands on them and blessed them.
Dio li benedisse, e disse loro:
And God blessed them and said to them,
E li prese tra le sue braccia impose le mani sul loro capo e li benedisse.
And He took them in His arms put His hands upon them and blessed them.
Ma sua madre benedisse il loro matrimonio.
But his mother blessed their marriage.
Beh, una volta uno stregone mi benedisse.
Well, a witch doctor did bless me once.
Ti bacio', ti benedisse.
She kissed you, blessed you.
Con questa icona mi benedisse la mia defunta madre.
My late mother blessed me with this icon.
Mentre mangiavano, Gesù prese il pane e lo benedisse.
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed him.
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