Translation for "barrow era" to english
Barrow era
Translation examples
Barrow era nella galleria, con umore alquanto cupo.
Barrow was in the gallery, looking rather glum.
Esatto. Qualunque arma sia stata usata per uccidere Brian Barrow era contaminata - dal DNA di queste persone.
Whatever weapon was used to kill Brian Barrow was contaminated by the DNA of all these people.
Barrow era nascosto nel laboratorio di chimica a scuola.
Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school.
Barrow era nascosto nello sgabuzzino di chimica.
Rafael: Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet.
Un momento, Barrow era un ingegnere elettrotecnico, lavorava nella... succursale di una centrale elettrica.
Wait a second, Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation.
Barrow era li'... capito?
Barrow was there.
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