Translation for "baciandola" to english
Translation examples
Posso far venire una donna solo baciandola.
I can make a woman come just by kissing her.
Forse ci riuscira' baciandolo.
Maybe she'll kiss it out of him.
Seamus, forse potresti incominciare... baciandole il collo leggermente.
Seamus, perhaps... perhaps you should start by, uh, kissing her neck lightly.
"Sono qui per guarire le tue ferite baciandole."
"I have come to heal your wounds by kissing them."
Quello spostato stava baciandola!
That freak was kissing her!
K. abbracciò Frieda baciandola sul collo.
K. hugged Frieda and kissed her on the neck.
Pensa che baciandolo, diventerebbe un principe?
Do you think if I kissed it, it would turn into a prince?
Chi ti ha detto di comportarti da pazzo, baciandola?
Whoever told you to advertise your insanity by kissing her?
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