Translation for "alloggiava" to english
Translation examples
Nel momento della presunta confessione, il nostro cliente alloggiava nel padiglione C.
At the time of the alleged confession, our client was housed in cellblock "C."
Alloggiava alla pensione di fronte.
He was staying in the boarding house across the way from us.
L'informatore alloggiava nel padiglione B.
The snitch was housed in cellblock "B."
I miei agenti l'hanno vista lasciare la zona dove alloggiava... I suoi agenti non sono autorizzati a seguire la signorina Jones.
My agent saw her leaving area that housed... your agents are not authorized to be following Ms. Jones.
- Si'. Alloggiava nella stessa casa, al piano terra.
Yeah, she had digs in the same house, on the ground floor.
Una notte, a Portsmouth, quando Ainsley era via... ho fatto sesso con Bill... il marinaio enorme che alloggiava nella mia pensione.
I made sex with Bill, the big sailor who was staying in my boarding house.
Ho sbagliato a dirle che alloggiavo al Blue House.
It was my mistake to tell her I'm staying at the Blue House.
Il mese scorso, alla mia organizzazione e' giunta voce che per soddisfare le sue quote la AgroUnited aggirava le norme contro i maltrattamenti sugli animali e alloggiava il bestiame in condizioni rischiose e disumane.
Last month, my organization was made aware of rumors that in order to meet their quotas, AgroUnited was circumventing animal cruelty statutes and housing livestock in unsafe and inhumane conditions.
E una volta la casa dove alloggiavo è stata incendiata.
And once, the house I was sleeping in was set on fire.
Alloggiava con lui e non voleva che lei se ne andasse.
She lodged with him, he didn't want her to leave.
Lui... da qualche mese alloggiava in Rue Calbert.
He... took lodgings on Rue Calbert a few months ago.
Pensa un po'... a quanto pare Breece non alloggiava in quel motel.
So... it turns out Breece isn't staying... at the motor lodge after all.
Andai alla locanda dove alloggiava.
I went to the inn where he had taken a room.
E' andata via con un camionista che alloggiava nella 5.
Left with a trucker that was staying in Room 5.
Alloggiava in questa stanza tre settimane fa.
She checked into that room about three weeks ago.
Alloggiava nella stanza accanto alla vostra.
He was staying in the room next to yours. Good-looking guy.
Clerk mi ha detto che le ha chiesto in quale stanza alloggiava Neil Vance.
Clerk said he was asking what room Neil Vance was staying in.
La stanza d'albergo dove alloggiavi e' sotto perquisizione.
The hotel room you were staying in is being searched.
- Alloggiava all'Apex?
Did he have a room at the Apex?
Sono qui per controllare la stanza in cui alloggiava Kevin Elspeth.
I'm here to look at the room Kevin Elspeth stayed in.
- Durante il giorno in questione... la signora Walling alloggiava nella stanza vicino alla sua.
On the day in question, Ms. Walling was staying in the room adjacent to yours.
Jimmy... alloggiava in una stanza come questa.
He, um... He would have stayed in a room just like this.
Lo chalet in cui alloggiavo aveva i letti come quelli delle prigioni sovietiche.
The chalet I stayed at had beds like a Soviet prison.
Quindi alloggiavo con gli altri uomini, non cosi' intimamente come qualcuno di voi altri,
So, quarters with other men, Not as close as some of you people,
Io alloggiavo al Rockefeller.
I lived in Rockefeller.
Un tempo alloggiava al City Hotel.
He used to live in the City Hotel.
Non mi sembra ancora vero, erano venti anni.. ..che alloggiava da me, ed era così buono.
It still hasn't sunk in, he's been living here for twenty years, and he was such a kind man.
Dove alloggiava nel frattempo?
Where did he live in the meantime?
[si sdegnava alla notizia che la poverina alloggiava] [in una delle solite squallide pensioni]
[He was shocked at the news that the poor girl was living..] [ one of the usual dismal hotels..]
Dove alloggiavi nel campus?
Where did you live on campus?
- Sempre meglio di dove alloggiavi.
- You like the way we're living?
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