Translation for "adagiato" to english
Translation examples
Per favore, accetta le Muse Adagiate come simbolo del nostro amore
"Please accept 'the Reclining Muses'
Sei tu la "Musa Adagiata"...
You're "the Reclining Muse."
Quindi perche' ha rubato la "Musa Adagiata"?
So you stole "the Reclining Muse,"
- Che ha fatto con la "Musa Adagiata"?
-What did you do with "the Reclining Muse"?
L'ha ingaggiato per falsificare la "Musa Adagiata".
You hired him to forge "the Reclining Muse."
Adagiati con la lira!
- Recline with the lyre!
Gli importa solo dipingere la "Musa Adagiata".
All he cares about is painting "the Reclining Muse."
- De Luca dipinse le "Muse Adagiate"
- De Luca painted "the Reclining Muses"
Se mi aveste vista sul suo petto adagiata
Had you seen me on his breast reclined
Gli ho mostrato la "Musa Adagiata". Ci si e' fissato subito.
I showed him "the Reclining Muse."
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