Translation for "abramovich" to english
  • abramovich's
Translation examples
Bene, signor Abramovich, il nostro amico della gente, James May, e' stato felicissimo di accontentarla.
Well, Mr Abramovich, our man of the people, James May, was only too happy to oblige.
Colpendolo con l'altro piede, non e' un po' troppo Abramovich?
Kicking with the other foot, going a little bit Abramovich?
Vedete, probabilmente Roman Abramovich ci sta guardando e avra' pensato: "Si', quella e' un'auto notevole... ma posso farci atterrare sopra il mio elicottero?"
You see, Roman Abramovich has probably been watching this and thinking. "Yes, that's a remarkable car, but could I land my helicopter on it?"
Il conte Dimitri Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Dzerzhinsky, primogenito di Alexander Pyotr Abramovich Dzerzhinsky, del regno di Novgorod. E tu... tu sei Pampinea Anastagi, la mia tutura sposa.
Dmitry Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Dzerzhinsky, first son of Alexander Pyotr Abramovich Dzerzhinsky, from the Kingdom of Novgorod and you... you are Pampinea Anastasi, soon to be my bride.
In fede, il signor R. Abramovich del Chelsea.
Yours sincerely, Mr. R. Abramovich of Chelsea.
Io sono il conte Dimitri Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Dzerzhinsky, primogenito di Alexander Pyotr Abramovich Dzerzhinsky, del regno di Novgorod.
I'm Count Dmitry Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Dzerzhinsky... first son of Alexander Pyotr Abramovich Dzerzhinsky... from the Kingdom of Novgorod.
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