Translation for "abdicare" to english
Translation examples
- Harmony non voleva abdicare?
Harmony wouldn't abdicate?
- Allora perché non abdicare?
So... why do you not abdicate?
Non potete abdicare il trono!
You cannot just abdicate the throne.
Dovete convincere Charles ad abdicare.
You must convince Charles to abdicate.
Voleva abdicare, ritirarsi.
King Lear. Wanted to abdicate, retire.
La parola e' abdicare.
The word is "abdicate".
Parli di abdicare?
You're talking abdication.
Abdicare significa dimettersi.
Abdicate means to resign.
Sara' obbligata ad abdicare.
She'll be forced to abdicate.
Potrei abdicare al trono.
I could abdicate my throne.
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