Translation for "a restare" to english
Translation examples
Prova a restare calmo.
Just try to stay calm.
Nessuno ti obbliga a restare.
Nobody's forced to stay.
- Dovete convincerlo a restare.
- You must convince him to stay.
Obbligarli a restare?
You're going to force them to stay?
Proviamo a restare amici.
We're trying to stay friends.
Vado a restare e picchiarmi.
I'm going to stay.
Per convincermi a restare.
To entice me to stay.
Mi convinci a restare.
Convince me to stay.
Convincila a restare.
Convince her to stay.
- Devi indurIo a restare.
- You must induce him to stay.
Chiedo autorizzazione a restare.
I request permission to remain.
Ivi a restar preparati.
Prepare to remain there.
Ti esorto a restare nella Flotta Stellare.
I urge you to remain in Starfleet.
E rassegnatevi a restare là quest'inverno.
Be prepared to remain all winter.
Condannerai tutti a restare qui.
You'll condemn them to remain here.
Preferirei quello a restare nei Nirvana.
I'd prefer that to remain in Nirvana.
- Avvocato. - Ha diritto a restare in silenzio.
You have the right to remain silent.
Le consiglio di provare a restare calma.
I suggest that you try to remain calm.
- Generale, provi a restare calmo.
- General, you must try to remain calm.
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