Translation for "von laurelwood" to english
Von laurelwood
Translation examples
by laurelwood
Ich hatte allerdings bis heute die ganze letzte Woche die Laurelwood-Tour auf der anderen Seite des Betty Jane Drive.« Lewis puhlte am Etikett seiner Bierflasche.
I was working Laurelwood on the other side of Betty Jane Drive the whole week until today, though." Lewis picked at the label on his beer.
Das hatte Pete selbst schon tausendmal gesehen, weil der Schulbus die I-95 benutzte, um von Laurelwood aus, wo er zustieg, drei Ausfahrten weit zur Auburn Elementary School Nr. 3 in der Sabattus Street zu fahren.
Pete had seen this for himself thousands of times, because the school bus used I-95 to go the three exits from Laurelwood, where he got picked up, to Sabattus Street, home to Auburn Elementary School No.
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