Translation for "vektorschub" to english
Translation examples
Und da, hinter alledem verborgen, das Trällern von Vektorschub-Triebwerken.
And there, concealed behind it all, the warble of vector-thrust engines.
Sofort fing sie die Maschine mittels Vektorschub ab.
Immediately, she started to recover with vector thrust.
Unter jedem gab es einen hitzeflimmernden Wirbel aus Vektorschub.
The space beneath each one was a heat-distorted wash of vectored thrust.
Es war Selbstmord, solche Maschinen gegen die Vektorschub-Jäger des Erzfeindes zu fliegen.
It was suicide, flying machines like that against the enemy's vector-thrust predators.
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